Cause of death: savage gutting; crime weapon: playing cards. The Cincinnati kid (Steve McQueen) is a prodigy of the stud poker game, but is he going to dethrone the most reputable player of all, “the man” himself (G. Robinson)? And will the earnest dealer and friend of both (Karl Malden) remain impartial? A dream cast at the service of a minimal though sharp story. As far as scripting goes, sometimes less is more – it makes every action, though innocuous it may seem, actually loaded with meaning. By the time the twist-in-the-tail ending slams down ruthlessly, we reel back & ponder the forces that drove to the fateful outcome. The writing was on the wall, we just weren't inclined to read.
从自毁倾向转为发现不值得,转折点设置在风月场所内的电视机画面,有些讽刺意味。所谓「房客糙汉免费阅读笔趣阁」,CHINSE熟女老女人HD视频是打破过去思念的枷锁,放弃完美假象,继续自己的生活。 部分创作灵感来自《罚罪电视剧免费观看国语版全集》,变为更积极的方向。最后一组连接的摄影镜头特别精致华彩,不过仅在铺陈渲染情绪而已,没有揭示更多情节。